Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Thankgiving Prayer

Oh,God when I have food,
Help me to remember the Hungry;
When I have work,help me
To remember the jobless;
When I have a warm home,
Help me to remember the homeless;
When I am without pain,
Help me to remember those who suffer;
And remembering,help me
To destroy my complacency
And bestir my compassion.
Make me concerned enough
To help by word and deed,
Those who cry out
For what we take for granted
Samuel F. Fugh

Sunday, September 21, 2008


India is a country in which differant faiths and religious practices exists.As a good citizen we have to learn to give due respect to other faiths.Condemning other person's religious practices is not all justfied in any reasons.But now a day's new independent churhes and other extreme evangelical groups undermines other's believes and criticising their way of worshipping and understanding of God concept.Mangalore religious riots started due to this kind of approach.Even people published some articles against other faiths.We need to learn the itercultural communication, so that we can mingle with others freely and open mind.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Digital Divide Some Facts

There is an ever widening gap between info-rich and info-poor countries

As Scott an Autrey put it ,"while the developed countries are becoming info-wealthier,the developing countries continue to fight an uphill battle ,lacking the resources to catch up with the developed world .Roughly 80% of the world population lives in developing countries,but they recieve only 20% of the global income.Also ,these countries hold only 10%of the telecommunications infrastructure including Internet access.

The number of telephone connections per 1000 people varies from 712 in Norway and 682 in the US to 27 for india and 3 for Bangladesh.As regards the technological status ,about 33%of the world's population has no access to a telephone as yet ,and only 5% of the population has Internet connection.There are only 14 million phone lines in all of Africa ,which has a population of about 740 miilion people ,and 99.5% of them are not connected to the internet.

According to NUA ,in mid 2002, the total number of Internet users in the world was 580.78 million with Europe having 185.83 million users ,Canada and USA182.67 miilion,Asia /Pacific 167.86million ,followed by Latin America (32.99), Africa(6.31 million)and Middle East (5.12).It is not surprising that one in every three Americans uses the Internet ,but one in every 10,000 people in India and Bangladesh ,and pakistan does so.

Christian Principles of Communication

Communication creates Community
Communication is for equality
Communication is Participatory
Communication Liberates
Communication Supports and Developes Cultures
Communication is Prophetic

World Association for Christian Communication

Regarding Postmodernism

Modernity has produced only seasons of sale and season of consumption.Most of our activities are either selling or consuming.Today's world at its core is consumeristic in which we lack the seasoned love of self-giving
Postmodern ask the pretetious moderns to remove their pride in human reason,and in human accomplishments.Postmodern ask them to situate reason.Humanbeings ,they remind the moderns,are 'historicallyconditioned,culturally conditioned,and sexually gendered finite beings".The postmodern request us to accept our limitedness and fragility.They drum into our modern heads that by reason alone would not give us meaningful life .Meaning in life can be brought home by considering the other into the part of the whole.In effect postmoderns recover the voice of the subalterns.
Fr.Dr.C. Joe Arun

A prayer for the church

"Where the Church is corrupt,O Lord ,cleanse it;
Where it is mistaken ,correct it;
Where it is lacking ,enrich it;
Where it is divided ,grant it love;
Where it has lost the capacity to witness Christ ,bring it back;
Where it is presumptous and complacent,grant discipline;
Where it has lost humility ,goodness ,unity and mutual love,bless and strengthen it;
And this we ask in the name of Christ,the head of the Church

The Book that reads me

A Village woman used to walk around always carrying her Bible

"why always the Bible?"her neighbours asked teasingly."There are so many other books you could read".The woman knelt down,held the Bible high above her head and said,"Yes ,of course there are many books which I could read.But there is only one book which reads me".

Hans-Ruedi Weber

the book that reads me