Saturday, September 20, 2008

Regarding Postmodernism

Modernity has produced only seasons of sale and season of consumption.Most of our activities are either selling or consuming.Today's world at its core is consumeristic in which we lack the seasoned love of self-giving
Postmodern ask the pretetious moderns to remove their pride in human reason,and in human accomplishments.Postmodern ask them to situate reason.Humanbeings ,they remind the moderns,are 'historicallyconditioned,culturally conditioned,and sexually gendered finite beings".The postmodern request us to accept our limitedness and fragility.They drum into our modern heads that by reason alone would not give us meaningful life .Meaning in life can be brought home by considering the other into the part of the whole.In effect postmoderns recover the voice of the subalterns.
Fr.Dr.C. Joe Arun

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