Sunday, August 2, 2009

Silence...the best Communicator

In the depth of silence
no words are needed,
no language required.
In the depth of silence
I am called to listen.

Yes, there I sat
there in that corner,
listening for silence,
longing for community.

suddenly the room is crowded,
crowded with speeches
voices in many languages

self- justifying
shattering the silence.

Christian communication must announce
No, Christian communication must denounce,
No, Christian communication must promote sharing,
No, Christian communication must create community,
Yes, Christian communication must be hopeful
No, it must be graceful
Yes, it must have integrity
No, it must call for response.

Please stop, please!
listen to the beating of your heart
Listen to the blowing of the wind,
the movement of the spirit,
Be silent- said the Lord,
and know that I am God.

And listen to the cry of the voiceless
Listen to the groaning of the hungry
Listen to the pain of the landless
Listen to the sigh of the oppressed
and to the laughter of children.

For that is authentic communication:
listening to people
living with people
dying for people.

Kim,Yong-Bock(ed, Communication for Solidarity,CCA,1989.

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